It all started so subtle
that it was unnoticed by you
you never know that your past
will someday catch up with you
busy chasing anything under the skirt.
Skirt too passionate about it
but you never know that
the lust of flesh destroys human life
there is a deadly monster
your dealings in the past.
Chasing what God knows who!
you are just out of control
self control you have not
chasing girls, girls of lose virtue
worthless being you call them babe.
You are busy wasting your resources
tomorrow you sleep with A
another day with B like that till Z
droping all what God put in you
meant for you and your wife to be.
One day just this close
your past Before you
staring and glittering before your own eyes
you call it enjoyment today
watch out chasing the skirt.
There are two things
that destroys a man
the lost for money
the lust for women
you see that and few knows this.