...Faking Life

You kept on faking it
Saying it aloud what you which you were not to be
Yet you claim you know it all and have it all
Just there without nothing
Living a kind of double standard life

There’s no point faking it
You fake this, you fake that
Come for how long will you tend to play this game
Faking life
You own this you own that you are here and there

He who knows not
And claim that he knows his a compound fool
Sick and tired of it all...a fake life
Will soon fade away with the dew of the morning
Just as the moisture that comes with the dew of the morning

Is better to live in a mould house
Then to claim to live in a prestigious glass house
Come out plain and show forth what you are made of
Not claiming you have a mile but you are left with just a yard
Faking life isn’t life at all but life live in illusion and pretence

You fake your name...you fake your age
You fake your destination...you fake your occupation
You fake your achievement...you fake your certificate
You fake it all...all along you wallow in double standard life
Two face...faking identity everything aren’t you tired of it all

Come out plain
Be real be who you are
Take off the mask you wore
Stop existing in someone else’s life
You don’t the moment you opt out living someone else’s life

Long ago you’ve lost it all
Yea! You lost your true identity
Faded away in the twilight of the dark of the knight
As you’ve left your shadow like a book that left the shelf
Stop faking life because life will soon fake you out

When it all be said and done
And the true identity suffice
Reality will dawn on you
The real essence of you will be left with you
Stop faking life...be you, be real and come out your true personality