Strength in place of Weakness

Sometimes we may have ups and down
Often times we disagree and never to wanting
To come to terms in mutual understanding
But the place of love and respect
Shouldn’t be relegated to the background

The course of true love never run did smooth
It has it ups and down maturity never comes with number
But how well you are to face each situation
Dealing with them as they come
That’s what matters

My dear we are two total strangers
Come into union of signing a contract
Of mutual feelings that we have for each other
Let’s not fail to acknowledge that fact
That we both have our own weakness

But we have agree and consent to it all
To take the bad side of each other
Working on it to make it better
To blend into each others trait and character
Becoming that person and seen that person we want to see

Yeah he may be this and that
She may be that and this
Yes, you can’t change any one
But at least you can bring out the best in him/her
Strength in the place of Weakness

Take on her weakness
Never use it against her
But help her become master over it
Bring the best and strengthen that weak part of her
Forget the past short coming and look forward in helping her

He too over protective
Likes to know everything details
Never slip off him always on your neck
You can become his helper, helping him see
From the brighter side of himself
Strength in the place of Weakness

Sick of Love

Where are you? Love
What destination have you gone to? Love
What planet have you suddenly zoom off to? Love
Where is the one my heart and soul longs for? Love
Who has find the one my heart longs for? Love

Another day has just drifted away
In its subtle manner and unnoticed
The seconds has click into minutes
Hours get passing by the day is far spent and gone
Missing you so dearly that I hope you are here with me
Where art thou my love?
What has become of you?
The voice becomes so dim and no sound coming
The sight is not in-view anymore
No footprint to trace the destination

He is gone just left this morning
Saying he will not be gone for long
That I shouldn’t miss him
That to me he will return soon
But the hours are past gone yet he is no where to be found

She told me it won’t be that long
That she will return before the dusk
Dusk is now turning into midnight
The sounds footsteps are not heard
Sick of love…are you on your way

Sick of love…waiting to be heal
Thirsty of more of you…wanting to be with you
Missing your sweet small voice…to hear you talk
Baby comes back to me very fast
Sick of love…you’ve gone for long

The night is getting darker
Coldness takes over the night
Is all alone watching the night stars?
Where are you, are you out there can you hear me
Sick of love…heart becomes lonely about to stop working

You Have to Move on

The heart is broken void of companionship
Pain of the past lingers all through the heart
You watch it all but you never want to forget
The past still lingering showing in its presence
Starring at you as you go through each day task

Reality refuses to flash across your mind
As you refuse to be awaken out from your dream
Lost in a fantasy land wishing it never happen
As your world is shattered and void there’s this emptiness
Felt within your heart looking for some to fill

 He broken your heart…she toiled with your emotion
Making you fool in love so hate and resentment
That you never want to let go of it no matter
What was said and from whom is it coming from
You have to move on

Get into yourself embark on a rehab
Give yourself that treats you are not suppose to be this
Give yourself a lift from all these and move on
Forget the past he broke heart and what
Does she worth the tears you cry and the broken heart

Letting go of an unhealthy relationship
Opens one up to a whole new health relationship
Give love a chance by loving yourself first
And forgiving yourself yes you been used and fool
But is the time to move away from the hurtful experience

And you have to move on
Look inward inside you discover who you are
Someone out there is waiting to accept you
Just the way you are with what your ex thought is 
See you are what you project yourself out in the public eyes

Mend the broken heart
Give love a chance
You can love and beloved again
Am so sure that one day love will come visiting
But first you’ve got to forgive yourself and move on
Let go the past a new feeling will come over you