For Affection

It comes from the heart
That longs for belonging
In search of intimacy and oneness
For that kind of feeling so real and pure
Wanting to have the one you call your own

Never want to be part of another
Neither chasing the crowd around
Nor walking around in the dark
Keeping out the future never talking about it
But affection beclouds everything

We long for it and crave after it so much
That everyone wants to have love
Everywhere I turn all the places
That have been every smiles is a new horizon
On that land have never seen

You see them everyone wants it
So much desperate to keep it all along
We work towards it to really make it work
Just to keep the love tank full
For affection not to fade away

We are all what we have
 Our life depends on it
It makes us come alive
Making it so real with us
Because of we are in love

Affection…for it we cross the sea
Affection…for it we delve into the ocean
Affection…for it we take the flight and cross the ocean
Affection…for it we make the world go around
With kingdoms are conquered and hard heart are melted

So what do you want to say?
With it we conquered everything
Love is like a careless seed planted
And nourish with affection and care
Love has virtually conquered everything…for affection


Dreamz: Girls Version
Find a guy who calls you beautiful
Instead of hot, who calls you back
When you hang up on him
Who will lie under the star
To listen to your heart beat

Will stay awake
Just to watch you sleep
Wait for the boy who kisses
Your forehead, who wants to show you off,
To the world when you are in sweats

Who holds your hand
In front of his friend
Who thinks you are just as pretty
As you are without make-up on
One who is constantly reminding

You of how much he cares
And how much he misses you
And how lucky he is to have you
The one who turns to his friends
And say, “That’s her”…

Dreamz: Boys Version
Find a girl who calls you handsome
Instead of hot, who calls you back
When you hang up on her
Who will lie under the moon
Just to listen to your heart beat

One who will stay awake
Just to watch you sleep
Wait for the girl who kisses
Your forehead, who wants to
Show you off to the world when you are in heat

Who holds your hand
In front of her friends
Who thinks you are just
As handsome as when you wake-up in the morning
One who always reminds you of how much she loves and adores you

And how much she misses you
And how lucky she feels having you
The one who turns to her friends, family and well-wishers
And then say with so much excitement and assurance, “that him”…