It just never starts just a day

Like a seed that falls down
Like a seed buried deep into the soil
For days beneath the ground
To die and spring forth
To live above the earth surface
So infidelity
It starts one day
Hidden and unnoticed by any
Cunningly executed all along
It started just a day
Lured away by the things around
Carried away by look infuse with lust
Looking for something that is not lost
In a place that is not call home
The road that shouldn't be taken
Filled with twist and thorns
That pierce the heart rending it asunder
Tortured emotion with betrayed trust
From an harmless friendship
From an harmless chi-chat
From an innocent exchange of pleasantries
From an harmless calls and text
A wrong message was decoded
With a wrong deadly motive
Nurse for days and it grows
Like a big oak tree tearing the whole place
Things becoming falling apart
But alas! It never started a day
Never go down that road of infidelity
Don't ever cast a second thought about it
That road is filled with potholes and bombs
You can speed odd ahead
And enjoy a smooth ride
But at the end along infidelity fast lane
You will lost it big time
Is never a profitable venture
But filled with so much loss
Is better never to allow it
Into your heart, head, life and relationship
Keep hurting everything intact
And under check at all times.


To committed and faithful to core
Keep the bed undefiled
Before marriage and after marriage
Staying faithful to the wife of his youth
Unfaithfulness is never allow

Once the knot is tied
Unfaithful in whatever forms
Be it lustful looking
Be it secretly answering of calls
Be it illicit or secret exchange of text

A man is required to be a real man
Not just a real man in bed
But a real man that can curtails
Unnecessary things that shouldn't
Be heard of a married man

Faithful at home and outside
Be it in the public eyes nor private
A man full of wisdom
Knowing his weakness and dealing with it
It is required of a man

Not just succeeding
In the corporate world alone
Nor in the religious setting
But living out the true essence
Of what a man should be

It is required of a man
Not to be slayed by skirt
Not to be slayed by the two oranges
In the front of a lady that is not is
Having self-control containing it all

It is required of a man to be found faithful
Even in the midst of these modern trend
Of infidelity is nothing new anymore
In these our days we live in
As everyone is doing it while been different

It is required of a man
That he should stand out
And be different from the mixed multitude
Of those doing it and to pass the baton
To the next generation of men in becoming
A faithful boy, young men and men

In rising a society free of cheaters of men
In rising a community of faithful men to the core
In rising a infidelity nation free of men
In rising men who carries the fear of God
In rising righteous and holy men of God
Faithful to God and their spouse

I pray that men all over the world
Become a steward of faithfulness to the core
To God and their fellow human being
Not just faithful in keeping their marriage vows
But faithful to every sector of their life
It is required a steward that he should
Be found faithful.