How to be a Happily Married

A MAN and wife were celebrating
their golden wedding anniversary.
After spending most of the day
with relatives and friends at a party
given in their honor, they returned home tired,
but a little hungry.

They decided to have a little snack
of tea and bread and butter before retiring.
While the wife began making the tea
the husband opened a loaf of bread,
took out the end piece, buttered it,
and handed it to his wife.
He was not prepared for her reaction.

For fifty years you have been dumping
the heel on me,” she exploded.
“I won’t take this lack of concern any longer.
I’m fed up with eating heels!”

Her husband stared at her in shocked dismay,
and then finally spoke in a small, meek voice,
“But the heel on the loaf is my favorite piece.”

Sometimes it takes a lifetime
to learn what a spouse truly likes and dislikes.
It sometimes takes long for a person to decide
what they personally want out of life,
and just exactly how they want to live.

Be patient with your spouse
as you learn, all the lessons
he or she embodies.
And ask them if they like the heel!
How to be a happily married
couple can never really be taught
only learned.

Love Waits

From the sun to moon
From the morning dew
To the dawn of another day
When the world wants his own way
Love remains waiting for the right time

Love waits
Cause it worth waiting
And in waiting there so much
Sacrifice to make
For every kiss there is a rose
For every touch there should be control

Heart at owner’s risk
When the society dictates
Let’s hold on to our own principles
Never wanting to low the standard
True love waits

It goes all the way
Pass the love test and pastor test
Holding on no matter what
Standing tall at the end of the day
Coming out to be true love

Not love burn
Out of infatuation
Love with sex
Pure love void of sin
Love waits…true love never dies

It waits
It’s enduring
Its stands the test of time
It’s always be and forever will be
Love waits never rush
You rush into love and you rush out
Wait I say my love wait for me
Love waits…true love