See them walking playing so playfully
Gracefully and wonderfully made
The joy of womanhood they are
As their arrive pave way to much celebration
And jubilant rejoicing across the city

I believe the children
Are our future teach them well
Let them lead the way show them beauties
Of the world and let them learn, love and laughter
Let them neither live nor aborting them off the face of celesta bodies

I believe the children
So much in them they are
Our future…today and tomorrow
Our happiness…so much joy to see them happy
Our hope…that carries our future along the way

We can’t sacrifice that for nothing
We can’t thread of that for a mere mega income
We can’t just squandered that in domestic slave trade of children
We must be there for them all times never to sacrifice them
In the quest of riches ritual killings should given a zero tolerant

I believe that children are our future
Teach them and let them let the way
Show them all the beauties in this life
Teach them the way of God instill the fear of Him in them
Let them live, learn and be loved filled with laughter

I so much have faith in them
They are much more value highly favoured
The gift to mankind for betterment of the union
Appreciate them show them care and much tenderness
Because I believe I do believe in them

Cause they got my back for real
I choose to stand and speak up
For them they are my pals I mean my pals for real
See them so beautiful, young and free
Wow see them beautiful creatures not things
Let’s save the children and save the world
Happy, Happy Children’s day my pals for real


See them walking playing so playfully
Gracefully and wonderfully made
The joy of womanhood they are
As their arrive pave way to much celebration
And jubilant rejoicing across the city

I believe the children
Are our future teach them well
Let them lead the way show them beauties
Of the world and let them learn, love and laughter
Let them neither live nor aborting them off the face of celesta bodies

I believe the children
So much in them they are
Our future…today and tomorrow
Our happiness…so much joy to see them happy
Our hope…that carries our future along the way

We can’t sacrifice that for nothing
We can’t thread of that for a mere mega income
We can’t just squandered that in domestic slave trade of children
We must be there for them all times never to sacrifice them
In the quest of riches ritual killings should given a zero tolerant

I believe that children are our future
Teach them and let them let the way
Show them all the beauties in this life
Teach them the way of God instill the fear of Him in them
Let them live, learn and be loved filled with laughter

I so much have faith in them
They are much more value highly favoured
The gift to mankind for betterment of the union
Appreciate them show them care and much tenderness
Because I believe I do believe in them

Cause they got my back for real
I choose to stand and speak up
For them they are my pals I mean my pals for real
See them so beautiful, young and free
Wow see them beautiful creatures not things
Let’s save the children and save the world
Happy, Happy Children’s day my pals for real


Today we need men
With the heart of a warrior
Men who will run to catch up with the flag
Christ carries ahead of us
Men won’t turn back

We need men who stand up
And take responsibility for their role as men
It’s time to rethink masculinity
Because man is an endanger species
Man up

When men lose
Women and children lose too
The home is a natural place to start
Men have a choice
Either feel inadequate or get a lot of more creative

Men have walked away from family and responsibility
We need men in the church to set up
Inside the church I find that godly fathers are endangered species
It seems the church has surrendered to the times
Man Up

We need men to man up
It’s time to call men to a higher level of responsibility
We need the generation of men who don’t look to cooperate offices
As a measure of their success rather they look into the lives
Of their wife and children

We desperately need men
Who find significance in faith, family and hard work
We need men who regardless of their station in life
Are stepping up to their God given roles
We need men to match our mountains
#Courage #Men #leadership #FamilyLife