The saying
That says
Charity begins at Home
Is an old time long saying.

But do you also know
That every things starts
From the home front
So if everything fails
Check up with the home front.

There is corruption
In the land today
It never starts from just
The one in the government
It started from the home.

The home is the bedrock
Of all human existence and activities
If the home fails the nation is at risk
Of bad administration likes wise
Spread to all sectors of the nation.

If a child be it a boy or girl
Act out in abnormal within
The confide of society
Where such a one exist
The home is to be questioned.

So that old long slogan
Has become a continuous sentence
In which it has metaphor face into
Charity begins at home
And it ends outside.

The behave exhibited
From the inside the home
Will carries one out there into the world
As character is a smoke that can not be hidden
To this end 
You are an image projector of the kind of home you belong.