You were born original
First of a kind that exist no where
Breed by nature’s greatest gift…woman
Given a decent pronounceable name
Train brought up with contentment

But many years has come and gone
How far boy? How far girl?
How has it been that touch of originality?
Breed with truth not deceptive kind of life
You came and saw your environment

You were so long drifted away
From the common thing you were known
From infancy and into adulthood
Moving from been real to become fake
Derailing big time and so far into it…fake life

All around us as we move 
From here to there we see each day
People whose identity 
Has been crushed and lost long time ago
In the quest of trying to fit in 
Into the norms that goes around
As each one wants to outsmart o
Out do the other person in living a fake life
With the saying life is all about packing

But for how long 
Will such a packaging last in the market of life
Remember product packaging itself has a lifespan
And such product always goes 
Into re-branding and repackaging
To remain relevant in the market…
And you know such product we move
From production stage, to introductory stage 
then decline stages comes along finally

See the rules of life is clear, short and simple
You become fake to get this to get that
But of a sure thing one day the veil will be drop off
And the mask you’ve worn 
For so long all your life will fall off
And the real you will suffice but wait

Will your reputation recognize your character
When they meet in the dark when that happens
See is it time you call it off of this faking it all
To fit in the society and space where you find yourself
Fake life has never pay off good have never seen anyone
Who make something good out of been fake
Don’t die a photocopy but original that you are