When Love Happens

It takes you off your feet
And carry you up to the sky
You fly up so high without wings
Every time you remember her (him)
You beam with a smile

That joy and peace that comes
From within you every thing is at ease
You are on top of your own world
You want to shout it from the roof top
Wow! Am in love

She found him and he finds her
So much in love and is for real
Coming out of a sincere heart
No matter what for so long love came her way
He cherish her so much because she is her happiness

Everything she has ever dreamed of
What a total stranger stole her heart away
No matter her love has come to stay
Everything came to life the brokenness of heart
Has come alive because of love has happen

When love happens
You can not really know when
But from inside you, you get to know
That something special has happen
You feel love and you are loved

Loving someone is another thing
But the main thing is for that one
You truly loved love you in return
You like everything about this person
And this person also loves you in return

Love is like a tree planted
And to be nourish all time
To keep it healthy and living
But when respect is gone
Love can not grow
That’s when you find love
And you realize that love has happen

Waking Up With You

I wake up early this morning
And realize that you were there
Standing close by beside me
As the dew fell off my windows
With each drops of water

And then and then I notice you
Your awesome presence envelope
The angles of my room
You blew a cool gentle kiss on my check
To tell me good morning is a beautiful day

You sent angels to watch me at night
The cool breeze the blew me off to sleep last night
And to crown it all you sent a star to lighten up my night
The moon gives her light in Unisom with the star
To make the night a beautiful sight to behold

Alone in my room that night
I feel your awesome presence in every inch part of the room
Through the night you wrap your arms around me
And showered me with so much tenderness and lovingness
That love is so unexplainable

Then at dawn you light up my room
With the early sunrise to announce the dawn of a new day
And you told me is a beautiful day
Hmmm feels good to be a winner
The birds comes out to sing a sweet melody harmonious song

It feels good to be in the awe of you
Especially at the dawn the beginning of a new day
One will get the courage to live all through the day
The sweet perfume that scintillates
The whole environ of the room

And you lunch in strength to face the day
Well charged up and ready to face the duty
To yield the call to duty
Welcome to a whole new day
Waking up with you beside me

Love Can…

Love can surely rescue
A heart in deep despair,
A heart that has give up
And no longer feels God near

Love can breathe new meaning
When there’s nothing left inside
When there’s no feeling or emotion
Just dryness in our lives

Love can restore new hope
After it’s withered and died
For hope is what will get us through
And love can be its guide

Love can run and embrace
The prodigal returning home
And the one that has come to the end
Those hurting, lost and alone

So give it over to God’s love
Our lives and all that we are
Then we will know and walk in His love
For His Love shall dwell in our hearts

The Real Men

Do you remember crying with your mum? While growing up
Sometimes you don’t understand why daddy caused mummy
So much pain you didn’t get his excuse for cheating, lying
Beating and ignoring her.

You knew mum tried her best
She even tried to hide her tears from you
There were days you wiped her tears with your tiny hands
And wished you had a better dad

Just then you dreamt of the kind of man
You wanted to be a loyal, honest, loving, caring, truthful
God – fearing and responsible husband and father

You had such a longing swelling inside of you
With deep conviction, but time has thrown your conviction
To the wind or have you not allowed the same chains
Of infidelity and ego hold you bound and colour your judgment
Towards your sister, female colleagues and spouse
Are you any better than your father? Most fathers have failed their children

Truth is our society needs Real Men
Not just men with handsome faces
With heavy beards on the chin
With broad shoulders and chest
With sexual prowess…NO!

But Real Men
That runs their personal and family affairs
With great love, tact and passion
Not with power and deception

Men who live to show their sons
How to grow and value women, culture and humanity
Men who instill a sense of purpose and willingness into their homes
Men who mentor responsible boys who in turn grow up to mentor
The next responsible generation of Real Men
The world needs fathers who will be like feathers
to be leaned on for soaring high
men who are MENtors and not torMENtors

A son who calls his father a failure
Has great work ahead of him
For failure lies ahead of him
If he isn’t careful too

Enough is enough
Drug abuse, child abuse, wife abuse
Women abuse, power abuse and money abuse
Real Men do not repeat the mistakes of their fathers
They learn and improve on it