Trust and Commitment

We need trust in all spheres of life
From a father to the son
From a mother to her daughter
From employer to employee
Trust makes it all work out

When it seems all is broken
And lost away on the table of lies
See once a lie is told you cannot talk it back
So no matter how hard it is or it sounds to be
Held it up high in trust and commitment

Committed to one cause
To upheld truth irrespective of anything
Not minding whose toes are stepped on
Because toes will always be stepped on
And when it does is better it is done in truthfulness

Trust is required from everyone
Lovers, families, children and co-worker
Will all need trust committed with absolute honest
And always remember a life lived in lies
You must make up to be covered even if it continues in lies

Trust and commitment
When trust is build
It becomes so irreparable to destroy
If I trust you enough to go through with you
You must trust me enough to stand in with me no matter what happens

If the world lost faith in me
And it seems they are sick and tired
Forgetting about my believe and dreams
You should stand in for me if you truly believe me
To go through to the end

To go through to the end
In the midst of every stormy waves
Standing no matter the harsh and aguish words
Irrespective of the painful memories heart rend intwain
Trust and commitment

Even friends and family talk
They are just saying their own
But when trust and commitment is there
We are sure we won’t falter at all
You got me...I got you trust and commitment   

A Blameless Bride 2

Not a bride that has lost everything
On the table of modernity
Trying to be what the society wants of her
In search of a common ground
A blameless bride
Whose forgotten
That every common thing that stays too long in the market
Because the market value will be too low
Too low for the mean men to reckon with such a goods
Because is not a goods that have a goodwill

A blameless bride
Who never allows the dedicates
And opinions of men to side distract her
From that which she wants
In life and in our relationship

Who never use the present situation
In judging morrow view of her relationship
Who never allows friends to determine
The course on which her ship will be stair
A blameless bride

One which her generation
Cannot forget irrespective of anything
She leaves a mark behind when history is made
Standing shoulder to shoulder with those who matter
A keeper of home loving among stranger

A delegate mark long gone
One whose waited on her man for so long
Until it sees it worked out fine and okay
Not the one who walks out when things become messy
Messy to the point of losing it all out

A Blameless Bride 1

The community is dark
But you are shinning in the dark
Shinning the light getting
That when He comes you won’t be lost
A blameless virgin awaiting the return of the groom

The bride groom is the Christ
The Savour of the church
The story of the wise and foolish virgin
The Lord Jesus Christ told the story to His people the church
So that they will prepare

The preparation is more than a mere preparation
 That am of Christ of this denomination
Five are wise five are foolish
These are people here and there in the church
Thought it appears delayed one Christ will come

They discover that the oil is not sufficient in the day
While we must meet the lamp our light should be burning
Till He come we must seek the Lord while He is found
Calling on Him while He is near
We need the oil to keep us burning