Stay Away From Other Women

She is a gem only if you can see it
She needs to be respected no matter what
She is a wife not a slave her opinion count as well
Her needs is your need so also her pain is yours as well
Love her with the whole of your being

Infidelity tears our home apart as family
The sight of it bring coldness and prolong silence
To the home once filled with love and communication
The communication breaks down and the love tank becomes empty
Stay away from other women

I am not saying that you become rude to women
I am not saying you gain a reputation for being
Discourteous, disrespectful, cold or abrupt
What I am saying is that we keep an appropriate distance
In our relationship with women with whom we work and associate

You don’t need to be wired or act strange
You don’t need to make anyone feel uncomfortable to be around you
But both women that you work with and your wife
Will intuitively know your behaviuour and actions
That there is a man who is clean and pure in relationship with all women

Here is a man willing to go
The extra mile in commitment to his wife
We must keep our distance emotionally
And we must keep our distance physically
And if we do that, we’ll be just fine

One of the reasons the vast majority of men
Never find the reason to stand the heat
Is because the enemy takes them out
Which makes them in turn paying the wrong price
For a moment of pleasure

Ministry begins at home
As men our first ministry responsibility is to our wife
The second is to our kiddies
So let me ask you men a question here
If you get tied up with some woman who isn’t your wife

What kind of ministry are you going to have to your wife and kids?
You won’t, and if you don’t have a ministry to your wife and kids
Then quite frankly you are not going to finish strong
And if at all you want to finish strong there one non-negotiable trait
That you must embrace in your life regarding sexual temptation
And that trait is gut – level honesty

Commitment of a Lifetime

To love irrespective of what betides
And to dwell in sincerity and faithfulness
To bring so much love and happiness
Been where all the way for everything
Is a commitment of a life time

For one thing
Because you are my happiness
My heart desire the one I long for
What irrespective of the situation
Never to see u in tears

Trusting God be our source
To lead us straight to a place
Where we find fulfillment and peace
Waiting on him to bless our relationship
Making it heaven on earth

To love unreserveable
No matter what at what cost it will cost
Ready to stay and go the mile
Making sure every moment spent
Is spent in happiness

Avoiding every quiet moment
As no sound of silence looms the house
All the way filled with laughter and sweet conversation
With an attentive ear fine tune very well
In rapt attention not divided one

Commitment of a lifetime
To dwell and stay with you in love
Committing my whole total being to you
In sincerity and faithfulness to the core
Just for you and I no other

Just to you but no one else
To steer and move the ship our life together
Not minding the present circumstances
Forging ahead to making it happen
Just to make sure we make the world a better place in our home