No Men to Find

The world was deserted
As hope got wind and flew away
Away from the street called hope
As the world matches onward to modernity
Decency is swept off under the carpet

As men became victim of modernity
Of what will life turns out to be
When the cares of this life has taken
The most indispensable factors of our existence
No men to find

Man was created in the image of God
In His image He made man
To have dominion and power
Man fell short of all this glory
And lost it all and God sought for a man

A man that will stand in the gap
To deliver and chat a course of emancipation
To redeem the lost of God’s creation back to God again
But there were no men to find
No men to find worthy to take the mile for his generation

A generation that was marching of lawlessness
The flesh has gotten the fabric system of human
God look at man and He repenteth why He created man
Man lost it all on the table of adultery and fornication
In-between the sheet

No men to find
Men who is filled with the Spirit of God
Men who is a keeper of home
Men who leads his family to God
Men who knock at sin no matter the pressure from the society

No men to find
No one to hold the truth
No men whose integrity and honour has not be sold out
No men to find
I mean men who stands for chastity and purity to core

Faithful husband...still keep their vows  to one woman
Faithful brothers...who see girls, ladies and women as his sister
Faithful fathers...who still provides and leads his children closer to God
God is in search for men will you be counted among the men
No matter how big your fall has been you can make it again

A Woman That Kept Her Man

We all need someone
Someone to hold and love
Someone to be there for us
Someone who never walked out on us no matter what
Someone who watches our back when we are so carried away

Who will watch over us
Hold our hand and get us ready for heaven
A woman who kept her man
Is one who serves as a watch dog
Over his man in all ways

Physically especially spiritually
If is possible to drag him to heaven
To make sure she keep him on his toe
Not to be carried away by the activities of time
Knowing fully that this man is too weak and needs help

A woman that kept her man
Makes sure she is always there
To be in rememberance of what
Her man has easily unintentionally forgot
Always there to give the signal the red light of warning

See the devil is terrible
Man you have to make sure
You don’t take God’s grace in lasciviousness
Hold on to His grace like your life depends on it
Because it does

Not a nagging wife
Not the one like Jezebel
Who lead her husband in adultery
Enslaving the whole nation
Lusting it all out on the table of sin

Always yield to the warning
When she serve it to you
Never silent her because in doing that
You are enslaving and endangering your life
A woman who kept her husband

Like in our days today
There’s a serious need for Hezekiah
That will bring us and watch over us
Just in case the enemy comes to sow tears
When men slept look at Samson  

God Kind Of Relationship

He left His mighty throne in glory
To bring to us redemption story
Then He died of a broken heart for you and me
He lost it all just for you and me
All because of love He have for you and me

He did all what He did because of love
And out of love He took our place
Irrespective of not knowing us
But love grew where the blood fell
Man saw redemption so glad that his blood covers us

When He made man
Man was is finest creature
He gave man an equal power just like Himself
Because He made man after His own image
He had relationship with in the Garden of Eden

Alas man was showered with so much love and affection
Above all other creature’s following unending as each day
Is a new day to look forward for man because God visit man
Every evening to have a fellowship with man
Because man became the friend of God

And one day God look at man
And seen his helpless state
That is man continue to be this way
He wouldn’t last so He decided to get a help mate
For man He then cause man to fall into a deep sleep

Then the journey of making another being for man
Begins and with no time an help mate was made
And was brought to man then man called the helpmate woman
For she was taken out of man so the journey of love life begins
Man found so much love in her loving her like his own self

The relationship was built on Christ alone
As God ordained the union it lasted for some time
Little did they know that the enemy of their soul
Was somewhere watching waiting to struck at them
At their subconscious state

God made man to be the head
As man takes care of his own the woman
But alas the woman fail and devil deceive and took over her
And they lost it all the good time they have spent together
Turns out to be something else is better to stay on the leading of God in relationship