The Day My Love Returns

Have thought love was made
For just some set of human
So I went all along never giving it a chance
All along never realize the love made is way

And find the way into my heart
This heart of mine is now waiting
Longing after love in a distant place
Until that day love found is way
To my way and never want to live

When love touches us it never dies
It lives within our heart
Not just as a name but a life
With existence and purpose
To make our life a wholesome experience

As my heart comes up alive
Dwelling among the god of love
As he sent me you than no other
You are the light that comes
That was the day my love return

My heart was open once again
To love again and she is no one but you
It did return and with a wow experience
I want to know what love is real
That song became real…as been sang some years back

So hard to believe that true love exist
Never did I knew that it does somewhere
In the heart of gem crafted and waiting for me
And then one day love visited me and lifts me up
That’s the day my love returns

I believe in love
Some day you and I me
Will find love again
I have a dream of you and I me
That’s when love return to us again

Waking Up With You

I can’t believe the way your love
Has gotten hold of me
Each morning I wake to find you near
You lift me above my fear and set
My feet on solid ground

As I wake I see you near my love
The sunshine of your smiles brighten up my day
My world comes up alive with you
In your eyes I see the true reflection of me
So much to expect from

All of my days as I go through them
You are seen all around across it all
Your thought lives in me as I carry on
My sunshine shelter from the raging sea
The center of his dream

Wow nature attest to it
As Mother Nature gave her consent
For us to carry on assuring we are on the right track
Heaven in jubilant rejoice her creature has found love
Waking up with you by my side

Wow heaven please
If you can tell her how I feel
Only if she can realize that
It will be a good feeling
Hope she feels the same way

Before the cock crow
Before network get jamb
Before sunset and rise
Before the dew stops falling
Let me be the first to say hello is a beautiful day good morning

Waking up with by my side
You are there right beside me
The scent of you filled the room
As I watch you saying hello dear
Good morning is a beautiful day