Sex was created by God
And for a good purpose
Therefore it is not evil in itself
Rather an improper use of of makes it sin
The purpose of sex

From the Bible account of creation
God created them male and female
And God said unto them
Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth
The purpose of sex

The Holy Scripture inform us
That sexual partnership was made by God
For the husband and wife relationship
It was intended for perpetuating
The human race and seeping the love
Between husband and wife

God meant it only for
The permanent life long union of marriage
God has pronounced judgement
Upon those who use the sex relationship
In other ways

Sex is a pure and holy thing
In the marriage relationship
And should be discussed in a forthright
Manner by engaged and married couples
The purpose of sex

Their is nothing shameful
Or sinful about sex
When it functions in the role of God ordained for it
Marriage is honorable in all
And the bed undefiled.


Keep thyself pure
Is an important command
Found in the Word of God
At an alarming rate and in serious proportion
The Bible speaks on purity

Impurity is now accepted
Shame, blushing and embarrassment
Because of sinful practices are utmost antiquated
Immorality has lost its public stigma
Been seen as a normal norm of the day

Impure practices Ade not only tolerated
But defended and encouraged
While these things are true
We are paying an awful price
For our disobedience to God

A few moment of thrill
We have a lifetime regret
And a dishonored record
A loss of intimate friendship
Disgrace and loss of confidence

What a price to pay
For a few minutes of unreal happiness
Friends, impurity for you sells at the same price
There are no bargain counters for
The purchase of impurity

The price is always high
Notice the two questions asked by the Psalmist
"Who shall ascend into the hills of the Lord?
Or who shall stand in the Holy place?
Then he answers his questions and say

He that hath a clean hands
And a pure heart
Who hath not lifted up his soul
Unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully
The Bible speaks on purity.


We all have three great enemies
That are constantly working hard
To spoil our lives with sin
And to trap our souls for eternity
The three great enemies

The first enemy we face is our FLESH
Our old nature enjoys sins
And constantly wants to indulge in it
How positive the Bible is that impurity
Is sin and that sin brings God's judgment

When one becomes a Christian
He is born again of the Spirit
Which gives him(her) a new heart
A new nature yes a new appetite
The three great enemies

Here is an important truth
To live a pure and holy life
You must be born again of the Spirit of God
Only Christ and new life in Him
Can give us victory over flesh and inner enemy to purity

The second tremendous enemy is the DEVIL
He is powerful, vicious and merciless
He is a roaring lion going about
Seeking whom to devour
The three greatest enemies

He is clever, deceitful and cunning
And is more than a match
For any of us in our own strength
Satan is out to blight your life and destroy your soul

There is only one refuge from him
And that is Jesus
You will become victim unless you flee to Christ
For He came to be Saviour
He wants to save us from the DEVIL

Our third abs subtle enemy
To pure living is the WORLD
The tendency in the world is away from purity
In the world it is popular to sin and to be impure
The three great enemies

There are many pressures and allurements
In the world to live unchaste lives
The Bible says, "The works of the world
Are evil and that the whole world lieth
In wickedness and satan is the god of this world.


We are living in a day
When purity is a joke
And high moral standards
Are being systematically destroyed
By Hollywood, Nollywood and Bollywood

Modern novels, television
Magazines, lewd stories
Advertising techniques and community practices
The prevailing low moral standards
And rapid increase in immoralities of all kinds

Tell us that doctor's philosophy
Is a common one and as
A spokesman of God and writer I am
I must tell you what God and
The Bible tell us about impure living

History books are full of glaring examples
Of past nation's yes and might nations too
Which fell to ruin because of internal
Moral corruption we cannot defy
The spiritual and natural law of God and go unpunished

Reaping has a wat of catching up
With the sower it is often avoided
For a short time but when the harvest comes
It brings bitter reaping
Keep yourself pure.