Every home has their issues
Every family has their differences
And sometimes these issues and differences
Overwhelmed one and take a toll on one
In the end if not well managed things get ruin
To the fiber of the existence of that home.
But it takes the people in such a home
To make sure the home is safe heaven
After the storms has come and gone
See everyone got their excess
But the ability to manage excess.
Is linger and grew
To the great success of such a home
To keep the life of the home going
One needs to stand stall and not
To differ when challenges happens.
To save the home and make the home safe
One must savage the pitfalls
That stand to serve as a threat
To breaking and make a mire of such a home
If peaceful resolution is not ensue
So much will be broken to asunder.
During these time
The strength and love of such a home is tested
The wind will blow the storm will come crushing
But on whose foundation will determine
If such a home will stand.
If you built on faulty foundation
Such a home won’t last
It will crush at crescendo in couple of seconds
And all that have been taking time to build over the years
Will be lost just within a flit of second.
When a home faces challenges
Is left to the two key people involve
To savage the situation so the children in such a home
Won’t bear the brunt of the whole mass destruction
Of the storms and challenges that will come 
In face off with such a home.


Out there we have many wounded soul
Who are sick, tired and helpless to live
Life is faking out and things aren't okay
Even the outside world outside the home
Has lost the scent of that love.

As it all begins to fade away
Love isn't love anymore
But in the midst of all these
Let love lead us to the safest place.
Where our heart feels at home
Where our mind is never mingle with fear
Where there is an unconditional love
Where we stay up to watch out for one another
Because love stays at home.


Marriage wasn’t made in Heaven
But Heaven built the institutional framework for marriage
On which the pillar of a home is rested upon
Right from the foundation of the world
But the question that pops up every now and then.

What it takes to be married
Is it all these wishy-washy kinds of ideas
That plays out in our minds' head
Whenever we see married couples

Or is it beyond the wishy-washy stuff
That project married from the side view
Of things we see and were told better still read
In the books around us of flits of marriage books
Then transcend down to the audio messages around.

Does love meant to be
What it takes to be married
Or flits of living in a luxurious house
With the state of the art furniture and fitting
Or is there something else that isn’t in place?

Or does it boil down
To attributes and characters
That is the source of which
Marriage is built on in one married life
So to what end is that thing that key ingredients.

Of what it takes to be married
And still remain in marriage happily
As each day, months and years suffice
As one journey in Holy matrimony
Or is the answer so far away that one needs to take a journey to find it.

Does it go beyond love?
As love isn’t only the key ingredient
That keeps our homes and marriages going
Through many thick and thin toils and snares
What does it take to be married and stay in marriage?