Thou you never allow anyone
To feel what you are going through
It hurts you so much inside
But outside you just feel nothing is wrong
You laugh over it inside you are in pain

All alone you bottled it up
You and manage to laugh it up
You keep it away from me
Making me to wonder but why?
Do you treat me as a stranger?
Of which you say am not

You said am not
But you didn’t prove it to me
By keeping to yourself the problem you face
Instead you say I won’t understand….
But it hurts me to see you that way

Being in pain
And deep inside is killing you……


Another has just pass by
Waiting for you now and then
As I lift up my eyes and gaze
Through the sky in the cooled of the night
The stars and moon rules the night

So engulf in you thinking about you
The moment we’ve spend together  
Shining and talking enjoying each
Other company as we walk hand in hand
Missing you dear

Hope life threat you well over there
Where you are I look with annihilation
The day you’ll be back ‘Cos…
This day distance is killing me
I wash you are rather be with me hare

Let the winds take my words to you
To bring you this message of missing you
I’ll drive all day take that flight
I’ll cross this ocean am coming home tonight
To lay this day on your side ‘cos I have miss you.