I pray it stays
And understand
The rough edges
That comes with being loved
I pray it stays

To last till in the nighttime
Filled with laughter and understanding
I pray it stays strong
When the reality of life
Comes knocking at your door

When love fades out of your eyes
I pray it stays
Weathering the storms
Calming the days of stormy events
When the billows come boiling high

I pray stays
Till the night time of our life
Long enough till old age
Long enough to come to fulfillment


An affection begged
Won't last till nighttime
You are priceless
With a high-value price you are
You are meant to be pampered by someone

Who doesn't make you beg for their affection
Beyond affection time
As out of sight is out of mind
In the midst of the busyness of the day
The heart does remember

The one that makes such a heart beats
And is never have a second thought
Of where you stand with them.
isn't far from the heart
That cares and wants it badly

You deserve someone
Who takes you and is there
For you in good and bad times
Never far away
Not too far to be out of sight

Always closer like the air
And the smell of the body odor of yourself
You deserve a relationship
Not a beg kind of relationship
With someone who got you
For real as you also do.


Being single
Is a period of time
To discover your purpose
Before getting into being in a relationship
The period of singleness

Is a period of self-discovery
Getting more acquitted
To God and with yourself
As the first step in living
A fulfilled life is knowing God

From the moment you discover these two
The better life becomes sweet
Each moment of singleness
Should be a moment
Lived well enough

To be cherished for life
With smoothen memory
Not just a memory
But a life living inside of you
Being single is not a curse

And shouldn't be a time of pressure
Is better to be late
And to be happy all life long
Because been married
Is a long-time contract

Singleness shouldn't be
A time of frivolities
Chasing this chasing that
It should be a time of being set apart
From the heat of chasing this or that

A fulfilled single life
Is a life not controlled my emotions and feelings
But a life controlled by God
Where your emotion doesn't control you
Not can be a blessing

But being single is a blessing
That privacy with God is the key
A time to be self fish not to yourself
But to the ones who like
To keep you around just

Because of the benefit
They get been around you
I call these sets of ones
Parasites living under the host
Is time to pour into yourself

In other words self-development
The period of single is about
You developing yourself
In all areas spiritually, financially, emotionally
Mentally, psychologically
And so on...


When respect is gone love cannot grow
Respect is the fuel
The drives and keeps its engine going
Without respect
There is no place for

To flourish talkless being grown
An unappreciated love
Will die the death of being neglect
And taken for granted
A loved one needs to see

He or she deserved to be
Loved as she shows out
Respected inspite been
The women in the relationship
As he opinions to do count
Likewise appreciating being one self is the key.