Domestic Violence

She served him whole heartedly
Loving him with her whole heart
Committed to him like no other
She brought all her life to the union
And yet what was her gain

She did everything she could to be a good wife
She did his laundry with her bare hands
Not that there’s no washing machine in the house
She starved herself fasting and praying
For her man and yet nothing

Succeeding at the outside world
Everyone’s favourite but at home was failing
He was everyone best pal but at home an enemy
To the one he claims he loves so much
Battered and broken down in heart she is

Yet no reference was given to her
She walks her life to see him becoming someone
But when it all comes down to achieving greatness
He lost her presence and failed to treats her like a lady she is
Wallowing in pride and ego has finish him up

She was afraid too afraid don’t know what next
Been hitting at every slight provocation 
She weeps and sobs night after night
One day the inevitable experience will happen
When she will go to bed alive and wake up dead

She did everything humanly possible
To be a good wife she never wanted anyone to judge him
Because she was scared the world will hate him
But is it a crime for a woman to love her husband and waits for a miracle
Getting worse by the day

Fear eats her up
That someday she goes to bed alive and wake up dead
 A monster he is not the husband she use to know
After each beaten come apology
That won’t change anything

Making The Vows Right

On that day the world gathered
In a solemn hallowed spot
To witness an event that will go down memory lane
Friends and families all gathered to witness it all
Of new union about to be form

In solemnity the vows were taken
An exchange of vows form the man to the woman
Minding not man to the women but woman
And don’t forget in haste it also woman to man not the other way
As time will have it comes to the most solemnly moment

Making the vow of a lifetime comment and mutual fidelity
As the man looked into the eyes of the woman
And make his vow to the woman so likewise the woman does
After some years that vow was broken and making it all wrong
With all kinds of characters and dealings

The vow that love and cherish
For better or worse...for richer or poorer
In health and sickness...till death do us apart
Those are the vows taken on that solemnisation of the union
Now something went wrong

The vows was faltered modified
And replaced with so many dealings
With unquestionable trait and bad emotion
Emotion was broken in pieces the heart is hurting
Everything begins to die the love becomes sour

Each night the heart sobs and the eyes are filled with tears
As everyone is on is on there’s a prolong silence in the home
Now the home that witness peace has turned into a bricks of walls
Trying everything to make it right...written the wrong
I think is time to make the vow right

Everyone has gone their home and now left
For the two parties to sort out their live
As their lives has began a new home and a new union
The fire is still burning with the love tank filled up to its brim
But what happen? Where did they miss it all?

Bring back the fire back on the altar of love
Now the best time to do that is now
To save that home...that once happy union
Is time to pick up the union and move on
In making the vow right you can make give it another chance