Don’t Rush Love

Love takes time just like a whole year
It takes time wants to be nurtured and nourished
Looked over time and after time
Irrespective of the hurt it don’t need to be rushed
Don’t rush you won’t get hurt by same love

Never fall over heads with love
Let your heart leads you as you go in love
From the moment you find it hold on
Just a little while longer even when it seems far
Don’t rush takes time

When emotion are too high
High to contend with any situations around
Casting deaf hears to the signals in such situations
Sooner or later the real essence of love will suffice
Don’t rush sure of it whether is real what you feel

If you will be able to stir this boat all alone
All alone for you to go through it
Irrespective of what it takes to go on alone
Seat and think of what the cost of loving someone
Don’t rush your heart to someone you think is special

Before you give your heart away
Before you say yes I love you too
Before your legs starts shaking and your heart begins panting
Before it seems the whole world is saying rubbish only you are right
Don’t rush love...don’t dare it cause it may be a leap for life

Love comes around
But when it comes it got the whole of us
Every inches part of us is gone
Gone with this emporia of been and finding love
Don’t rush love...never jump into things so fast

Love takes time
Don’t rush love
Don’t ever have the thought to rush it
You rush it you dashed out with heart breaks and emotional breakdown
Don’t rush won’t like what you get at the end

Take your time be courteous and friendly
Little times you find the truth seated inside you there
That you don’t need love to be rushed
Then and only then you find out the real essence of love
Don’t rush takes time