Sex was created by God
And for a good purpose
Therefore it is not evil in itself
Rather an improper use of of makes it sin
The purpose of sex

From the Bible account of creation
God created them male and female
And God said unto them
Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth
The purpose of sex

The Holy Scripture inform us
That sexual partnership was made by God
For the husband and wife relationship
It was intended for perpetuating
The human race and seeping the love
Between husband and wife

God meant it only for
The permanent life long union of marriage
God has pronounced judgement
Upon those who use the sex relationship
In other ways

Sex is a pure and holy thing
In the marriage relationship
And should be discussed in a forthright
Manner by engaged and married couples
The purpose of sex

Their is nothing shameful
Or sinful about sex
When it functions in the role of God ordained for it
Marriage is honorable in all
And the bed undefiled.


Keep thyself pure
Is an important command
Found in the Word of God
At an alarming rate and in serious proportion
The Bible speaks on purity

Impurity is now accepted
Shame, blushing and embarrassment
Because of sinful practices are utmost antiquated
Immorality has lost its public stigma
Been seen as a normal norm of the day

Impure practices Ade not only tolerated
But defended and encouraged
While these things are true
We are paying an awful price
For our disobedience to God

A few moment of thrill
We have a lifetime regret
And a dishonored record
A loss of intimate friendship
Disgrace and loss of confidence

What a price to pay
For a few minutes of unreal happiness
Friends, impurity for you sells at the same price
There are no bargain counters for
The purchase of impurity

The price is always high
Notice the two questions asked by the Psalmist
"Who shall ascend into the hills of the Lord?
Or who shall stand in the Holy place?
Then he answers his questions and say

He that hath a clean hands
And a pure heart
Who hath not lifted up his soul
Unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully
The Bible speaks on purity.


We all have three great enemies
That are constantly working hard
To spoil our lives with sin
And to trap our souls for eternity
The three great enemies

The first enemy we face is our FLESH
Our old nature enjoys sins
And constantly wants to indulge in it
How positive the Bible is that impurity
Is sin and that sin brings God's judgment

When one becomes a Christian
He is born again of the Spirit
Which gives him(her) a new heart
A new nature yes a new appetite
The three great enemies

Here is an important truth
To live a pure and holy life
You must be born again of the Spirit of God
Only Christ and new life in Him
Can give us victory over flesh and inner enemy to purity

The second tremendous enemy is the DEVIL
He is powerful, vicious and merciless
He is a roaring lion going about
Seeking whom to devour
The three greatest enemies

He is clever, deceitful and cunning
And is more than a match
For any of us in our own strength
Satan is out to blight your life and destroy your soul

There is only one refuge from him
And that is Jesus
You will become victim unless you flee to Christ
For He came to be Saviour
He wants to save us from the DEVIL

Our third abs subtle enemy
To pure living is the WORLD
The tendency in the world is away from purity
In the world it is popular to sin and to be impure
The three great enemies

There are many pressures and allurements
In the world to live unchaste lives
The Bible says, "The works of the world
Are evil and that the whole world lieth
In wickedness and satan is the god of this world.


We are living in a day
When purity is a joke
And high moral standards
Are being systematically destroyed
By Hollywood, Nollywood and Bollywood

Modern novels, television
Magazines, lewd stories
Advertising techniques and community practices
The prevailing low moral standards
And rapid increase in immoralities of all kinds

Tell us that doctor's philosophy
Is a common one and as
A spokesman of God and writer I am
I must tell you what God and
The Bible tell us about impure living

History books are full of glaring examples
Of past nation's yes and might nations too
Which fell to ruin because of internal
Moral corruption we cannot defy
The spiritual and natural law of God and go unpunished

Reaping has a wat of catching up
With the sower it is often avoided
For a short time but when the harvest comes
It brings bitter reaping
Keep yourself pure.


When you say you love someone
Or when someone comes to you
And say that such a one loves you
Think it through and checkmate
There love cannot do

Loving someone is far beyond
What the tongue can tell
What kind of emotions that we feel
What Hunan reasoning and understanding
So deep and wide that you can't go over it

Love isn't enough and there are things
That love cannot do
When love comes it comes with its own baggage
That attach to it is beyond feelings and emotions
That runs within the vein of our blood stream

Love cannot put food on the table
Infatuation cannot run a home
Talkless of paying bills meant to be paid
A polish face and skin
Will never hold a home together when reality set in

Maturity will come to play
On a long run when matters arise
Because the matter of love
Is not for an immature individuals
What love cannot do

It is required from both parties
To walk through the road called love
To make sure with them as they journey
They take understanding, tolerance, trust
Forbearance, loyalty, truthfulness and honesty

With them because love alone cannot keep a home/relationship
What love cannot do
Love cannot put food on the table
Infatuation cannot run a home
Love cannot be spent on a date nor vacation
Beautiful face and charming outward
Appearance can not keep a home.


I believe
Handsomeness and intelligent
Goes hand in hand
As there is no sense
In a one who’s so handsome

And lack smartness doesn't make sense at all
I believe a curve void of nothing upstairs
Is just an empty curve that is meant
To be admire alone from the sight of the eye
Not at the forefront of solving problems

Of thinking intellectually
I believe there is no point of smelling good
In clothes and body spray
Without no oozing out sense in speech
And absolute composure of speech

I believe is not in the designer’s cloth worn
But in the act of been design
In the brain and mind
Oozing out ideas that spends
A great design of business ideas

I believe is not just empty charisma
I believe is not slaying in an empty brain
But a brain that slays in high IQ
Which is so contagious to slay in loaded brain
Remember until you are loaded that's when
You will be needed not an empty slaying brain.


When we first find love
It all seems so nice and good
Everyone is happy loving the experience
That comes with the feeling
Love comes with

But as we are all blinded
To the reality of the in love experience
As feelings glows like a torch of light
In the hours of darkness of the night
Stars sparkles down with the diamond ring

And boom the inevitable scene unfold
As reality set in the eyes that was once blind open
To many things that weren't given
The needed attention because love swept us all off our feet
So slippery it took us away

From the other side of love
That comes with sacrifice and a lot to do
And the love once shared in happiness
Is now tested by a whole lot of stuff
That now beclouded our existence

The love dorvie kind of feelings
Now face the test to test this love
When love is tested
With adverse situation
Some controllable others

Beyond our situation to contain it scenes
As each scenes flash our present love
As our love tank begins to run empty
Financial issues set in
Sickness struck

Disagreement ensue
As our difference conflicts one another
We are at cross road just handing there
When love is tested
Make sure you are well prepared

Because love is beyond mouth expression
It comes with taken responsibility
Been mature enough emotionally
When all these are in place
Then only then when love is tested

Come hell hot water
It will pass the test of time
When love is tested


Like a ring without a finger
Or a bell without ringer
Like a horse was never ridden
Or feast and no guest bidden
Like a well without bucket

To that hands that sparkles
Real love in its entirety
Whose got no deceptive look
That turns out to be love but hate
Adorn by sobriety well trained and brought up

To that hands that carries life
Within his palms of is an healing ointment
For the mind, soul and body
Whose tenderness sparks life not death
A ring for a worthy finger

Not a finger slice with punches and slaps
That will exhume domestic violence
Awaiting to be unleash once the knot is tied
Like a wound without a tenth
A ring for a worthy finger

In adornment of a home
Filled with sweet scent noise of love
Never a prolong silence filled with malice
Sparkling and shining like a diamond
In the hours of dark and gloomy days

A ring for a worthy finger
Who pulls up and build for a lifetime
Who’s within is filled with the fear of God
A finger that gathers together not scattering
A finger whose hands brings healing
With sweeten smoothen words
That heals the wounded troubled heart
A ring for a worthy finger


Love yourself enough
To give that love away
When love comes visiting you
Make sure you open your heart up
For love to stay around and within you
And follow your heart
Listen to your heart
And remember to never go blind in love
Because to handle yourself use your head
To handle others use your heart
Be emotionally stable
Don't love out of pity
Shine your eyes and watch out
For red flags take it seriously
When you notice such signs
Don’t be blindfolded by feelings
And butterfly flying in the tummy
Go with your senses not feelings
Be ready to let go of the past hurts
And give love a chance.


When you get married
You stood with her/him alone
On the hallowed spot
To make a vow of a lifetime
And you both say I do not we do
Extended family are to be kept away
From the union as it never a union
Of many people but two people
Who profess undying love towards each other
Not the crowd saying we do but is just I do
I do to stay with her
No matter what happens after
We both must settle our difference
And sort out our differences
Mend and blend together
Fine we all have so much different
Orientation towards life
From our personal belief
To the way and manner we do things
I do not we do
Family relatives can offer advises
And counsels then go buy is never
For them to come into our home
And dedicate the space at which
Such a home should be run is I do not we do.


Sometimes you just need a person
And everything around you would change
Everything around you and about you
With all of our life played out
And life played a whole lot of role in this
It taught us a whole lot of lessons
Most especially about life, love and peace
Love they say is the most beautiful
Thing in this world it cost you nothing
But could change anything and everything
People often forget the old ones easily
Some don’t even regard them
Some are sacred to go closer to them
Meanwhile they are the only one
Who knows much more than we do
But choose to listen to us
As some grow they become kids again
These are the period they need love most
But sadly these are the periods
They wouldn’t find any
Because all those kids they grew up
Loving and caring for
Are all grown up now
And busy finding their own lives
And creating their own family
Some only call to check on them on phone
Some don’t even bother thinking about
Anything close to coming home
Let alone taking their kids home
Live, love and learn
Make sure you make it a duty
To always love and take care
Of the old ones and all the elderly ones around you
Come to think of it they are actually fun to be with
They remind you of different stories and sayings
Like the roller coaster
Life they say is like a roller coaster
It changes and turn people over
So either you are up and down today
Don’t get carried away live, love and learn.


What's the essence of love
When the one in love isn't free
When the love brings so much fear
But is been said that perfect love
Cast away fear then while been afraid
When the heart so in love
And the same love hurts at the same time
Love turns its back at such a one
Who is so drunk in the wine of love
Intoxicating one to the point of been burn by it
What's the essence of love
When we can't love without
Not a fixing a price tag on love
As love comes with condition
As no more unconditional love
Has love be lost on a table
Of mere affection of the desire lust
Of what should be eaten so quickly
Of the love that doesn't have contentment
Love must be real, sincere and pure
Is it a crime to love a man?
Is it a crime to respect such a man?
Whose heart beats for and long for
Who you gave your all for without reservation
Is it a do and die affairs
Is it a crime to love a woman?
Is it a crime to respect that same woman?
As love is never enough to keep love aglow
Because when respect is gone
Love cannot grow not at all.


The beauty of a thing
Is in the eyes of the beholder
But what use is the beauty
When such a beauty is base
On the outer surface not inward kind of
A beauty without brain
A brain to read in between lines
To discern what matters
In other to be in the known
Beauty without brains
Not a slayer who slays
On an empty brain up there
Whose upstairs is nothing in there
To offer talkless about profounding
Solution to a problem at hand
Who can't bring nothing to the table
Just only a curve to die for
That drive lustful thought into
The opposite sex the happening babe
With a killer body...arsenal of mass destruction
Is either beauty in brain
Or beauty without brain
Whose arsenal is filled with just
Been on Snapchat for God knows on
Uploading zillions of self pics per seconds
On Facebook, IG, Twitter and vblog
Such a one who cannot hold
A long time conversation
Void of constructing a correct complete sentence
Full of abbreviation in their writing
A beauty without brain
A beauty without brain
A beauty with brain
Which one are thou
Think through it today
And pitch your tent in the right direction


Is a journey that no one
Should ever embark on
A little fire that can never be tame at all
As little it is in no time it turns wild fire
Infidelity can destroy when you don't know it
See is better to be committed
To just one partner and stay true to such a one
Because faithfulness is tested
In relationship and marriage
And it is require that a partner be found faithful
No matter what
You don't have the audacity
To patronise cheating at all
In whatever form, shapes and colour
Because infidelity is a sin
Against human and God
As a man if you have a woman
Who is supportive and submissive to you
You should be thankful and grateful
For such a woman because is rare to find
The kind of her who takes you for who you are
Shares the bill and run the affairs of the home
Is a ravaging monster
It fears no one
The longer you linger in the act
The deadlier it becomes
When you get hook you're done for
And as woman if you have a man
Who go the distance for you and the kids
And yet you are satisfy and choose
To take that long road down that street of
With time you we ruin that great home
Filled with love, happiness, and peace
Because of that careless act of cheating
Of wanting to see what's at the other side of life
Is never a venture you'll profit from
Is a wastage of time and investment
It burns while long the act is committed
Is better to be warn then to get burn by the fire


One of the commonest use word
Today in our world is the world love
Love is the pre-eminence of human existence
And the Creator of the world did all
What He did for creature for the sake of love

Love is an ointment that binds the hearts together
Is an healing balm to the wounded in heart
The bounds that exist between two strangers
That pledge their life
For a lifetime to one another

And we must lead with love
As we go about our task each day
From the preacher on the pulpit
To the congregation seated before the preacher
Lead with love

From employer to employee
We must lead and bear with each other
In love and out of love loving whole heartedly
In all ways and at all time we can
Let's not our bound of love be broken

From a stranger to sojourner
Let threats each other with respect
Understanding the fact that we all
Needs each other one thing leads to another
Love is all that matters so lead with love

You lead with love
When your heart is so pure
Void of interior motives
Towards your fellow men
Bear with each in patience out of a sincere heart

Never let your love be with dissimulation
Avoid that which is evil cleave to that
Which is good because a good name
Is better than great riches
Lead with love

In all you do
In all you say
In all you practice
In all your thought
Lead with love


An elaborate wedding ceremony
Doesn't guarantee an happy home
Having an happy union takes responsibility
Of both parties involve not one sided
After wedding

The real life of been a couple begins
As both share their life's and live out
All what they have been counsel
During the time of dating, courtship
And counselling from the marriage expert

Reality we dawn on you both
The winds will come and blow you off
But what we keep you standing and strong
We be determine by how strong your love is
After wedding

The sounds of the crowd are gone
The beautiful faces you see
At the wedding and reception are gone
Is left to you and your wife
In face to face with you

The night of the wedding
On the bed so pure and solemn
As the Holy Scriptures affairm it
The bed undefiled pure and stainless
After the wedding

A lot happens
Husband loves her whole heartedly
Make her needs your needs
Love her as your own body
Defend and protect her at all time

The wedding
A mere ceremony
That last for few hours
But marriage last for a lifetime
After wedding

A life time of commitment
A life time of continuous re-learning
A life time of bonding together
A life time of contempt with each other
A life time of building a new home together

After wedding
There we be so much happening
It won't be a smooth walk all through
But when issues comes never involve another
When offenses comes remember to let it go

Because love flourish
At the fountain of forgiveness
Respect each other because
When respect is gone love cannot grow
Never leave God out of your new home

With all these in place
You both are on your way
In building and having
A heaven on earth home
Because home is refer to as
Heaven's fallen sister
After the wedding


Like a sweet-smelling flavor
You ooze out the fragrance
Of your sweet-smelling scent
With captivate everywhere
Like Beautiful perfume

You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension
Like nothing never seen nor heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom

So beautiful you are
In all ways, you stood out
As the sun cannot outlive you
You stand for greatness
As You exhume greatness in all ways

A beautiful perfume
What a beauty to behold
Unsearchable in Your ways
Your authority none can contend
You are and You're lifted above all

A beautiful perfume
The smell of Your sweet fragrance
It makes the scent of life come alive
Recaptivating and activating life back
Reforming broken life and wounded heart
What a beautiful perfume


When are we going to wakeup
Real fast like cheetah and smell the coffin
That things aren't the way it was before
Day in day out we rely on God to do it all for us
Our nation is dying and God cannot come down

And we expect Him to do
One miracle like that
But our fate is placed right in our hands
Moses was used to setting the Egyptians
Off from the hook of their oppressors and Pharaoh

Just one man brought redemption to Israelites
Just like Bob Marley sang many years ago
That hit track Redemption Song
Likewise in our day today, we need men
Not mere men just like that song by Pita titled One Man

Africa has been a scar on the heart of the world
For so long we have watched our sovereignty tramped upon
Walked upon with dignity as we lost our say among nations of the world
Our leaders sell us out administration after administration
Going to beg for grants and borrowing to enslave
The unborn generation into slavery

For how long we continue in this circle
Chasing what is never lost
While we have all that can make us great
Our greed and food for the belle
Won't allow us to see these great treasure we have with us

The greatest problem of Africa
Is not a tsunami not an earthquake
Is never a natural disaster
But a man-made disaster
The day we realize all these
Africa, we are great again
Our problem is bad leadership
Full of themselves exhuming selfish policy
For the betterment of themselves alone
Defrauding the state resources
Left in the hands of a selected few ones
African for Africa
Africa must arise
From the shackles of this bad leadership
Of tyranny and editorship kinds of self-centered and selfish leadership.


From time in memorial
Right from the foundation of the world
To where it all begins from
Human has battle the war of the flesh
Sex a weapon of mass destruction

In this end time war
The enemy of the human soul
Have use this weapon of mass destruction
Found in his arsenal
To ruin many life enslaving as many as he can

And this weapon
We carry with us everywhere we go
Our flesh wants the best of us
This body of clay with water and blood
Flowing inside and out of it controls us

As emotion
Runs at crescendo
High as a voltage of electricity
Tearing us asunder from within to outer space
No one is left out in this menace

Is a ravaging monster
It fears no age, status and class
Many carriers and destiny
Has been ruin and shattered by this
Weapon of mass destruction

And the enemy of our soul
Is making use of it big time night and day
The mighty ones are fallen and roasted
Ministries and homes are destroyed
Sex a weapon of mass destruction

There is an urgent clarion call
To one and all of us all must arise
This is the time to act RIGHT and say NO
The media and internet are not helping out
And the fashion world is losing it out

Porn now flies around
Throwing caution into the air
Popping out at every turn online and offline
As the temptation becomes so intense
Every advert carries a soft touch of porn in it

We must stand our ground
This time we are not backing out
But we are marching to our different zones
Is time to wage war against this deadly monster
The battle maybe raging but we must not surrender

The battle starts from within
Our mind is the breeding ground of all these
And that is the best place to start
This war against sex a weapon of mass destruction
Feeding our mind with the right food of the mind

Putting our thought under close watch
Watching what we feed our minds with
And what we feeds our eyes with
As our appearance needs to be modest enough
As not to allow it become a room from another falls prey

As we regulate the hours spent on the internet
The nature of the kinds of chat, and calls we indulge in
Articles been kept under close monitoring
Been under the influence of greater power God
Because we can’t battle alone

Daily examination ought to be done
Of our thoughts and feeling
Putting them all under control
Of God’s Spirit not the spirit of the world
But with the Spirit of God’s own word

NOTE: Above all sex is good but when is done in a proper way at the right time.



It just never starts just a day

Like a seed that falls down
Like a seed buried deep into the soil
For days beneath the ground
To die and spring forth
To live above the earth surface
So infidelity
It starts one day
Hidden and unnoticed by any
Cunningly executed all along
It started just a day
Lured away by the things around
Carried away by look infuse with lust
Looking for something that is not lost
In a place that is not call home
The road that shouldn't be taken
Filled with twist and thorns
That pierce the heart rending it asunder
Tortured emotion with betrayed trust
From an harmless friendship
From an harmless chi-chat
From an innocent exchange of pleasantries
From an harmless calls and text
A wrong message was decoded
With a wrong deadly motive
Nurse for days and it grows
Like a big oak tree tearing the whole place
Things becoming falling apart
But alas! It never started a day
Never go down that road of infidelity
Don't ever cast a second thought about it
That road is filled with potholes and bombs
You can speed odd ahead
And enjoy a smooth ride
But at the end along infidelity fast lane
You will lost it big time
Is never a profitable venture
But filled with so much loss
Is better never to allow it
Into your heart, head, life and relationship
Keep hurting everything intact
And under check at all times.


To committed and faithful to core
Keep the bed undefiled
Before marriage and after marriage
Staying faithful to the wife of his youth
Unfaithfulness is never allow

Once the knot is tied
Unfaithful in whatever forms
Be it lustful looking
Be it secretly answering of calls
Be it illicit or secret exchange of text

A man is required to be a real man
Not just a real man in bed
But a real man that can curtails
Unnecessary things that shouldn't
Be heard of a married man

Faithful at home and outside
Be it in the public eyes nor private
A man full of wisdom
Knowing his weakness and dealing with it
It is required of a man

Not just succeeding
In the corporate world alone
Nor in the religious setting
But living out the true essence
Of what a man should be

It is required of a man
Not to be slayed by skirt
Not to be slayed by the two oranges
In the front of a lady that is not is
Having self-control containing it all

It is required of a man to be found faithful
Even in the midst of these modern trend
Of infidelity is nothing new anymore
In these our days we live in
As everyone is doing it while been different

It is required of a man
That he should stand out
And be different from the mixed multitude
Of those doing it and to pass the baton
To the next generation of men in becoming
A faithful boy, young men and men

In rising a society free of cheaters of men
In rising a community of faithful men to the core
In rising a infidelity nation free of men
In rising men who carries the fear of God
In rising righteous and holy men of God
Faithful to God and their spouse

I pray that men all over the world
Become a steward of faithfulness to the core
To God and their fellow human being
Not just faithful in keeping their marriage vows
But faithful to every sector of their life
It is required a steward that he should
Be found faithful.


Life often gives us
A real cherished priceless moment
That captivate the essence of living
That comes with true happiness
Springing forth like a wall of water from within us

To the things that matters to us
And that which we hold dare to our heart
As with so much heartiness of heart
We were loved and so much dwell
In our own estate
Owning the moment
As we savour each moment
We melt people we impact our life
Positively making us see beyond our weakness
Negatively bringing out the strongest of us

Life flows from this person to that person
To the event that beclouded our existence
Sometimes we shed tears from the broken heart
That wasn’t to be mend as the fear of healing looms

We get hold of each scene
Holding them so dare to our heart
So close into our embrace
That we feel our heart beat
Beats so fast that we can feel it from a mile

Lost in the moment that matters
With this special feelings that comes
Even in the midst of seemly unpleasant
Moment of life’s story we’re so much in awe
Of the priceless moment that tongue cannot describe


Many things over the past decade
A lot has played out in this drama called life
With each scene playing out
Every now and then in our head
And the past comes calling

Like an hunting shadow
It raises its ugly head
And there comes a screaming
From within what now not now
As we try to come clean

It flashes several time
Through our minds eyes
As our heartaches
With a deep sigh of pain in the heart
And the past comes calling

Dunging our past in our present
A rotten smell exhumes out
That threatens to eat away our moment
Wreaking everything
When we don’t want to ruin it

Fine our past sometimes
Crept in our present on us
When we are having a nice time
Of our life savouring the aroma
Then comes boom our past like a hunting shadow

That time when we’re trying
To come out on a clean slate
Coming out cleaner than ever
In staring afresh leaving it all behind
And the past comes calling in our present


Life itself is sweet
When you have the whole ingredient
In it the whole variety of spices of life
And we seat at this table called life
Isnpite of the ups and downs of life
The pains and heartaches
That comes along with it
This thing called life
Inspite of all these drama
We got happiness
Life resolves around so much
Sometimes in the mountain top
Other times deep down the valley
Even also in the deepest part of ocean
We got happiness
Even in the seemly impossible events
Occasion raises up every time
We stand with head long
Facing it all out in pursuit
Of the inner most joy happiness
Even though there nothing’
Left to be happy for
But this thing inside
That no tongue can express
A contentment far above riches and fame


She never got a chance to dance
Or go to her own prom
She never got the chance
To forget where she came from
She knew her starting point

She never got to kiss
A man she idolized
She never felt love’s bliss
‘Cause she was paralyzed
Helpless and void of affiliation

She looks so sad seating all alone
She’s feeling bad
She has no hope thinking all is lost
She feel’s so dejected and unwanted by all
As her yesterday is crushed to the ground

She never got to talk
About love with a smile
She never got to walk
Down a church’s aisle
Just alone with her self

She never got to say
Those precious words, “I Do”
But she was far and away
From the busyness of life
The strongest girl I ever knew

She couldn’t brush her hair
Or put make up on her face
She couldn’t hold you dear
Or give you a warm embrace
To feel the warmness of love

She couldn’t clasp her hands
As if in the form of prayer
She couldn’t understand
Why she was in a wheelchair
The strongest girl I ever knew

She never showed her fears
Or let you hear her cries
She never showed the tears
That fell down from her eyes
The strongest girl I ever I knew


You feel disappointed
Because of what you going throw
Life throws at you caterpunch
That you never recovered from
Friends fail and falters

You are sick and tired
Becoming so fedup with life
As life become uninteresting to live in
Faith becomes slim eluded by the storms
In the midst of this darkest hour

Hope tinny light still shines forth
Out of obscurity the birth of hope springforth
Like a well of water overflowing within you
Keep hope alive in the darkest of your life
Because I am real

That's what God says
He is with us in all ways
And at all time is plans for us
Are so great beyond our imagination
I am real

Real in every circumstances of life
Real when so much fake promises abound
Real to make the darkest hour a dawn inside
Real to bring us to that safe place
He said it I Am Real

He is your future
Leave the past behind
Don't be discourage
For He is our God weep away your tears
For He is real dont take off your eyes from Him

It we all end in praise
There is hope at the end
Just held on to hope
Be strong for God never leave His own
I am real


You were born original
First of a kind that exist no where
Breed by nature’s greatest gift…woman
Given a decent pronounceable name
Train brought up with contentment

But many years has come and gone
How far boy? How far girl?
How has it been that touch of originality?
Breed with truth not deceptive kind of life
You came and saw your environment

You were so long drifted away
From the common thing you were known
From infancy and into adulthood
Moving from been real to become fake
Derailing big time and so far into it…fake life

All around us as we move 
From here to there we see each day
People whose identity 
Has been crushed and lost long time ago
In the quest of trying to fit in 
Into the norms that goes around
As each one wants to outsmart o
Out do the other person in living a fake life
With the saying life is all about packing

But for how long 
Will such a packaging last in the market of life
Remember product packaging itself has a lifespan
And such product always goes 
Into re-branding and repackaging
To remain relevant in the market…
And you know such product we move
From production stage, to introductory stage 
then decline stages comes along finally

See the rules of life is clear, short and simple
You become fake to get this to get that
But of a sure thing one day the veil will be drop off
And the mask you’ve worn 
For so long all your life will fall off
And the real you will suffice but wait

Will your reputation recognize your character
When they meet in the dark when that happens
See is it time you call it off of this faking it all
To fit in the society and space where you find yourself
Fake life has never pay off good have never seen anyone
Who make something good out of been fake
Don’t die a photocopy but original that you are


You can chat with him all day
To the fallen of the sun
Racing to the dusk
When the heart is not intertwain into each other
The connection won’t be that so strong

The fire won’t be long lighted
Sooner or later the light of love we go down
The passion will be drain because of lack of love
That moment love dies as disrespect ensues
Just like a watered down projects

Feelings are dead
Communication are broken down
You’re with her physically
But emotionally you’re gone far
Gone with the winds and time

Drifting away on the lane of love
Filled with so intimate passion
Passion gone with time like a candle in the wind
You drifted away carried away by looks
Forgetting everything we share and how it all begins

You cant love her when your heart is into another
You cannot keep on faking it come plain enough
You cannot build a bridge between you both
You cannot be in dream land of someone ealse
While you are in reality with him

Enough of all these emotion infidelity
Come off it and come plain get serious with your feelings
Let it matured as your days here on this planet called Mother Nature
Be here if you want to be here be real for a lifetime wake up
Emotional infidelity

When you are with her
But your mind has embark on a long romantic journey with another
Even several attempts by her to bring back from the fantasy land
But you’re deepen inside this journey long ago you took the ticket
And embark on the journey of an emotional infidelity


Everyone wants to be loved
Everyone wants to be pampered
Everyone wants a heart that beat like theirs
Everyone wants a serious sincere love
But when love comes visiting

Come out plain don’t keep love waiting
Don’t come forming whom you are not
Is better to be loved for who you are
Not what you fake to be is better you are you
In the quest of finding that special one
That makes your heart beep and blushing all time

You just act as if you don’t want this
No games no forming no hard to get gimmick
Just come with the whole of you heart open for love
Don’t make the partner frustrated in loving you
I don’t say you should drop down your principles no

But never make that principles too hard
That you drive away love far away from you
Be on your guide don’t love with the whole of you
Just go first with your one big foot forward first
Then you can now bring in your whole self after much studying

But don’t ever take such a one
Who got your heart for real granted
Nor start doing this and that making such a one tired
And before you know it such a one gave up hope
In falling over head in love with you

Don’t bring your whole past into it
Let your past remain in the past
Come with an open and fresh heart
To be loved and feel love again
When love comes visiting


When love hits us

It hits us like a thunder bolt
Spreading like a wild fire
Like a wild animals tearing us apart
Shutting our eyes off from everything around us

Is only the one we are dealing with
Matters and that’s who we wants to see
All time and all day ‘cos it so matter to us
We fell over head in love with him
He is our world and you her worlds

Everything revolves around just the both of you
The flame getting brighter as each moment passes
With each seconds to look forward to
In seeing and spending every second precious moment
Keeping the flame aflame

If we keep love
Love inside us
Love we never died
It we live long as long as we want it
Only in keeping the flame of love aflame

Is both of us we work this work
To make sure the fire keeps burning
In keeping the flame aglow at all time
Everywhere, anywhere and every time
As we oil the lamp to keep it work

There will be days when we are in and out each other
And it seems we are getting tired of each other
Becoming so tired of the love we both shared
As days becomes boring and uninteresting
And we both feel like calling it quit and leaving

Love will take time
Love will past through the test of time
Love will go through many stormy sea
To get to the shore finish line
But for it to get the finish line we must
Keep the flame of love aflame so brightly burning all day all time


If I could catch a glimpse
Of the dew of the morning
Read you a love poem
While in bed with you
Wrap my arms around you as I read you the poem

If could I’d buy an island
You could call it your very own
A place to find serenity
Where you could be alone
If I could

Turn back the hands of time
And keep it still never to move an inch
I’ll spend the whole of eternity with you in your arms
We drift through the beautiful shores of nature’s gift
Beinging so pure love void of fear and unhappiness

Cause I cant buy an island
Nor catch a rainbow fair
So I’ll just do what I do best
Be someone who’s always there
If I could

All day all times
I’ll cross the ocean
Take the flight
Drive across the oceans
Coming home tonight

If I could take your troubles
I’d throw them in the sea
But all these things I’m finding
Are impossible for me

‘cause I can’t buy an island
Nor catch a rainbow fair
So I’ll just do what I do best
Be someone who’s always here


They are people 
Who can walk away from you
When people can walk away from you
Let them walk
Kiss them goodbye

Don’t try to talk to let them stand with you
Loving you, calling you, caring about you
Coming to see you staying in contact with you
When people can walk away from you
Let them walk

I don’t care how wonderful they are
I don’t care what they’ve did for you twenty years ago
I don’t care what the situation is
When people can walk away from you
Let them walk

Because your destiny
Is not tie to the person who left
People may walk away
Life may not turnout the way you thought
Is easy to get bitter holding the grudge lose your passion

Do like Naomi kiss the bitterness goodbye
Kiss the person that walk away goodbye
Kiss the dream that never work goodbye
God didn’t allow it to happen if He did not have something
In front of you that is more better

Sometimes God closes doors
To move people out of your life
They are people and opportunity
That are ordained for the past
They were never ordained in the future

They were right for the season
But that season would come to an end
The key is how you handle close door
How you handle the disappointments
How you handle the person that did you wrong

Instead of kissing them goodbye
We smack them goodbyes
Good radiance
Kiss them goodbye 

God knows how to give you beauty for ashes
Are you at peace with your past or
Bitter over the lose 
Upset because your plan didn’t workout
Kiss them goodbye

Holding the grudge 
Because somebody walk away
Is time to kiss something’s goodbye
Don’t bring bitterness into a new day 
That is in the past it doesn’t belong to your future


It all started out like a tiny plant were
Springing out from the soil
Beneath below is a life forming
From the worms that stairs the life
And something needs to be done 
Before it turns out to be a great oak tree

There are things that needed
A strong yield of urgency of attention
Before it all blows out right in our face
Threaten to destroy our existence
All what we’ve worked and labored for

Fix us before we got broken
The fire has gone out
The love has turn so cold within
We cant see our signs anymore
Communication gone like the candle in the wind

The earlier will come to terms with it
The better for this thing called love we share
The light that lights up our heart
Making each one of us living like a life in each other heart
We crave for the happy moment as we struggle to connect

Within us our heart feels it
That something is strongly wrong
The love becomes so cold and sour
We lost it all the love that binds us
Becomes the love that hurts us

We must get back to the drawing board
And analyzing what happen to this thing called love
Where did we lost it all out the fire of love in us both
Carried away by the busyness of life
In chasing money and starving the love we shared

Fix us before we got broken
Before this wild fire of uncareless act cost much
That will go on a life time to ravage us intwain
Fix us before we lost the precious person on earth
To the wind of time that will hunt us like an hunting shadow
Fix us before we got broken 
We cant afford to have a broken seeds of love


On the day it was bright and fair
Life still flows loomsome highways
A sweet smelling savior radiating the environment
A siren fresh habitat what a feeling
A feeling that the tongue cannot tell only felt by the heart

This love is so real
Captivating taking you off your feet
Sweeping you off the floor where you stand
From where you stand you feel you are on magic carpet
That will take you to a wonderland

Just like the fairytale
Will listen to, watch and heard of thousand times
To live happily ever after a whole while
So blind to all the signal and counsel of well wishers
Never want this love to be broken talkless of death of love

As the days pass by
Month creeping in so subtly
Time after time seconds into minute and hours flew by
It never dawn on us that this beautiful moment will fade out
Like a sleep in the night, like a thief in the night

Hurray, it dawn us reality visited
The unbreakable love
You think you’ve lost it long ago
Gotten broken, lost like a book that left the shelf
The death of love

Left us with the pain
Just like the lost of dear one
It hurts us and pierces our heart with pain
Like a stab of a knife in the heart
The death of love

We refrain from people
Locked up in our own world
Vow to never love again
Many times will reach and try to love again
We see it not coming back again resurrecting the dead love
The death of love in us all at one time or the other we all have gone through this