When you have given all to make it work
And it seems your all is not yielding fruit
Wasted away like a candle in the wind
You look for answers search and search so far
When love is not enough

You gave undivided attention
You bring in all the entirety of yourself
You present all on the table
Yet your assignment was not well appreciated talkless of acceptance
When love is not enough

You question why? Always
While is my effort is not yielding result
While your yesterday mistakes are brought into today
You’ve tried and tried so hard but your effort is like basket poured into water
When love is not enough

When love is gone sour
Love that was once sweet becomes a sour grape
Instead of glowing is going down so dim
You lost and lost losing all yourself because of love
When love is not enough

You give it all up
You went all head long with the battle to keep it
You shed tears talked heart to heart
Yet no concrete decision reach no changes
When love is not enough

As it is said love takes so much to be done…Love takes time
Love needs understanding
Love needs a commitment
Love needs to be nurture
Love need affectionate and compassionate
Love needs respect and fair hearing