When Were You?

Where you there
When the darkness looms
When storm cloud gather
The wind so threaten
To shallow the ship alive

When were you
When I needed you most
When friends and family are gone
When no one to lean on
Alone in tears

When were you
When I stretch forth my hands
To hold out to someone out there
When I stand all alone
Walk alone while I watch others walk in peers

When were you
When I needed help most
When life’s cold wind blow at my
So cold within and without
Out there in the dead of the night

When were you
When my health is failing me
In pain and tears too painful to bear
Heartache broken pieces
Heart asunder broken spirit

When were you
When you left
To never say goodbye
To return no more
You’ve gone like a candle in the wind

Shadow in the Dark

When wealth is lost nothing is lost
When health is lost something is lost
But when character is lost all is lost
Shadow in the dark

A character
Is that which a man is in the dark
You came as a being spotless uncorrupted
So innocent as a lamp
Gentle as a dove

Beautiful as an angel
So exceptional in all ways
That’s what you are
Later you give into changes you became
Shadow in the dark

Allowing the opinions of friends society
To tear you apart
Stealing all the wonderful virtue
That makes you a virtuous being
You gone with the winds

Now existing in the past
Living in your own world
Like a shadow in the dark
So you are have lost you so long ago
I thought of that until you finally proof it to me

Then reality dawn on me
That you’re now
Shadow in the dark
Cos you’ve gone with the opinion
Of society, friends and family

You never want to listen anymore
Now your eyes has open
To what you said you were blind of
So filled with shaded dealing
You’ve lost your landmark

Farewell safe journey
Into that world…shadow in the dark
that’s what you are now.

The Passion of Love

Is in explainable that you can't
fathom its a feeling
that you feel within you
your soul and mind
tells you that you are in love.

The passion is so strong
captivating and awesome
that you feel you've got all
in the wide espanse of land
you want to take it to the roof top.

The power of love
is a cord that binds
two stranger to become one
one soul...in two seperate body
the power of belonging.

To that special being
our mind longs for
his/her voice makes our heart
to leap for joy
we are so found of this person.

So special in every way
will always thinks and day dream
of that sepecial friend
the love of our life
the better half.

The feeling so strong
the power captivating
the love unbreakable
the bound so boundless love
the passion of love.