Not just a real man on the bed
But that one who is so real in all ways
Who got what it takes to be that man
Everyone can count on and rely on
A real man

Is ye that is faithful
Faithful in little things and great things
One who eschew evil and also shun

The counsel of the unwise
Who never walk in the way of sinful deeds
One in whom sincerity resides in

Not just a mere common man
But an uncommon man 

Whose breeds is rare to find anywhere
Who attributes outstands the mixed multitude
Where he stand as he shines forth that deeds
Of what a real man should be

Not been good in bed alone
But one who controls his emotion, feelings and desires
Who never allows his heart to overrule his head
Whose sense of judgement is unrestricted by anything
That is a real man

Who has not lost his integrity
To lust, fame and power
Who held up high the morals of a good godly man
A real man is real in all its ways and endeavour
A real man

Is that one who doesn’t fake it all
The life of Christ resides in him as he lives in out all times
As he is seen shinning forth the real righteousness of God
Not just a religious fellow but a righteous one
A real man is not a mere church goer

Not just the one who worship Christ alone
But a real man is that one who lives like Christ
Both in public and private eye
A real man contend for the faith
He never buys into fake

Not a religious fanatics
Not a church tradition kind of man
Not an hypocrite nor churchanisim kind of
Not an eye service nor an deceitful man
A real man is subject to a fault and takes correction