A home not a brick of war
An angel not an assassin
A wife not a knife
A helpmate not a defrauder
A home keeper not a home breaker

A comforter not a eiderdown
A promise keeper not a promise breaker
A friend not a foe
A companion not a pain in the neck
A heart full of joy not a heart turns apart

A loving husband not a tyrant
A listening being not a detector
A caring being not uncare one
A heart full of understanding not self heart of understanding
A compassionate being not uncompassionate

A sweet graceful word not a heartaches word
A keeper of secret not of a licking tongue
A being whose is there all time all season not a betrayer
A heart who listening not a heart who judges one
A dead self person not a self centered being

Someone who stands by you
Not the one who walks out on you
When the world left you stranded
In good time and bad time