The Day Will Meet

Nature was in attendance
Heaven was there given his consent
Human was so focus on us that day
As Mother Nature gave her consent
For us to carry on

Quickly we send an approval letter
To the celestial world to get there approval
As the host of heaven went into session
Of debate just to approve of the union
Mother Nature waits at the reception

The day was bright and fair
With the normal day activities still on
Each one went about his various place of assignment
Little do they know that an event of a life time
Was about to unfold heaven is about to visit the earth

For one course to unity two strangers as one
For one purpose to make a new happy home
Just like heaven on earth such a home we be like
That was the day they both got a date with history
The day will meet

The power was so much
The intense feeling was there for real
Everything we touch suddenly works out
Becoming real receiving life
That was the day nature visits mankind

Everyone was ready in anticipation
Awaits the arrival of celestial world
To announce its approval for them to be one
Soulmate in body and soul
The day I find

God bless that day
Nature attest to it’s with approval
All witness that day what a blissful day
Love visits us once again making it a memorable one
The day we melt and fall in love

Kissing Away Your Fear

Fear consumes the heart
As the heart is so scared to trust again
Love was erase out from the dictionary’s heart
At the sound of the world love
Comes with so much less concern

Does it ever exist…true love
If it does where can it be found
Tell me where and I will find it
I will go all the way to let love lead the way
In finding love and fulfillment.

 Kissing away your fear
My mission of coming into your life
The first day you open your heart up
For me to love and cherish you
I decide to be that one outstanding person

That will kiss away your pain
That will kiss away your sorrow
That will bring the healing balm to the wonder heart
That will bring trust back to your heart
Kissing away the unfulfilled promise that was never come to past

People may have talked and talked
But with time…yeah time shall tell
Whether or not am real nor faking it
I love you so much that you can imagine
Hmmm have heard that many thousand times

But what comes after such statement
Deceit, unfaithfulness, emotional infidelity
Shame, heart broken and distrust
Yeah! You can be right and not been right
But am not calling for a second chance but am screaming just for a chance

To prove to you that am totally different
With you I want to plan my future with you
I want to be there for you all the way
I love you no matter what betides
Am here to kiss away your fears

Loving You

I never knew that love
Will one day visit again
But it calls when one needed it most
Opening up from unhealthy relationship
Opens one up to a healthy relationship

Loving you
Is the price have got to paid
To dwell with you in faithfulness and fairness
Never want any fear filled with suspicious
Of something fishy around always

You are the world to me
Many has come and gone
With sadden experience and worst moment
That you caused the day you melt with him/her
                                           Am here to re-correct the past hurtful experience

Loving you
Is the price have got to pay
The day I saw you and fall in love with you
I know what comes with it…because love is responsibility
Is neither sex nor romance but is all about been there

Standing with him/her
In good times when all is well
And when all is not going fine
The past kept hurting us yet we try to let down our hair
And let love take its course leading the way

They’ve broke her heart
She looks so sad seating all alone
Looks confuse at the cross road
She was there all by her self
In shame heart broken in-twain

He looks as if all has ended
What is left living for in life?
He was shattered and stabilizes
Disorganized and confuse about life
Love is a complicated thing