Is there ever a day without a night
Sunshine without a rain
A star without a moon
A day without a rain
A day without breeze
A night without a moon
A night without a star
A morning without the singing of the birds

See you are beautiful as you are
You are beautiful is true
The smile that forms on your lips
Radiating all over your face
That makes you inestimable

You are a gifted being
A beautiful soul an heroin
Your eyes, face, voice everything about you
Reflect God’s glory in you
You are beautiful as you are

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Standing right there looking at you
Hmmmm nature took His time in making
Deposited within you is diamond
That will be and forever be

Meant for a someone somewhere
Come rain come sunshine
You are beautiful as you are
So exceptionally
Beauty simplify that’s what you are

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