Every Child Counts

Reach out to these children
Wherever they can be reach
On the streets, high ways and bus-stops
That child out there carries
The future of this great nation
Not the one that is in the site of power presently
But that child on the street.

That child on the street
Selling pure water
To pay the educational fees
At the risk of taking to drug
Sleeping out there in the cold of the night
Shivering without no roof over him/her

Every child counts
Irrespective of sex, religion
Location, affiliation and color
All of them counts and are important
A nation without good plan for their children
Are jeopardizing their today for their future.

Reach out to them
Each of them
Teach them well
Let them lead the way
Show them love, care and give them education
Send every child to school
Not to be use as an article for trade.

This is the time to stand and say no
Against child abuse
Against child molestation
Against child trafficking
Against child battering and assaults
Hear the clarion call.

Heal the child
Save the future and you’ve save
The future of the world
A new Face of Hope
It begins with you and I
Yes we can and we make it happen
Remember…every child counts

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